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Official Website and Reminders to Prospective Purchasers of Cullinan Sky
Official Website
The official website of the Phase of the Development can be found at https://www.cullinansky.com.hk/ (the “Official Website of the Phase”).
We, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited (and other members of the Group) have never authorised any person and/or company to operate any website relating to the Phase of the Development. We would like to remind our customers and the general public to be alert and cautious of websites with domain names similar to the Official Website of the Phase (the “Unauthorized Websites”).
If there shall be any person and/or company operating any website relating to the Phase of the Development without our authorization, we shall take appropriate action regarding those websites.
Reminders to Prospective Purchasers
We and our officers, employees and representatives will not proactively approach any prospective purchasers directly in relation to the sale of the Phase. Prospective purchasers should be alert and cautious of any information about the Phase they received through any communication channel (e.g. Whatsapp/ Instagram/ Facebook Messenger) from any person purporting to be our officer, employee or representative.
If there shall be any person holding out/impersonating himself/herself to be our officer, employee or representative or the sales agent for the sale of the Phase without our authorization, we will take appropriate action regarding such person accordingly.
Prospective purchasers should refer to the Official Website of the Phase and other materials issued/distributed by the Vendor for information relating to the sale of the Phase.
Please note that we and our directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives do not accept any responsibility or liability whatsoever or howsoever caused for any loss or damage suffered (whether directly or indirectly) by anyone who (i) visits any of the Unauthorized Websites; or (ii) makes any investment or payment whatsoever to or through any of the Unauthorized Websites or any of their respective operators (howsoever made); or (iii) has any dealings or otherwise enters into any transaction whatsoever with any of the Unauthorized Websites or any of their respective operators; or (iv) rely on any information they receive from any person purporting to be our officer, employee or representative.
Customers and members of the public should refer to the "Contact Us" page at the official website of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited at http://www.shkp.com to obtain the contact information of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and its group members. Alternatively, if there is any enquiry or question, please contact us at (+852) 2827 8111.
本公司及其管理人員、僱員及代表不會就期數的銷售主動直接接觸任何準買家。準買家應對任何聲稱由本公司的管理人員、僱員及代表透過任何通訊方式(例如 Whatsapp/ Instagram/ Facebook Messenger)發出的有關期數的資訊保持警惕及謹慎。
客戶及公眾人士謹請透過本公司的官方網站「http://www.shkp.com」「聯絡我們」一頁取得新鴻基地產發展有限公司及其屬下各公司的聯絡資料。此外,如有任何查詢或疑問,請致電(+852) 2827 8111與本公司聯絡。
本公司及其管理人员、僱员及代表不会就期数的销售主动直接接触任何准买家。准买家应对任何声称由本公司的管理人员、僱员及代表透过任何通讯方式(例如 Whatsapp/ Instagram/ Facebook Messenger)发出的有关期数的资讯保持警惕及谨慎。
客户及公众人士谨请透过本公司的官方网站「http://www.shkp.com」「联络我们」一页取得新鸿基地产发展有限公司及其属下各公司的联络资料。此外,如有任何查询或疑问,请致电(+852) 2827 8111与本公司联络。
To the extent this website www.cullinansky.com.hk constitutes an advertisement, this notice shall apply.
Name of the Phase of the Development: Phase 1 (the "Phase") of Cullinan Sky Development ('the Development") (Tower 3 (Elite Zone), Tower 3 (Peak Tower), Tower 5 (Elite Zone), Tower 5 (Pinnacle Tower), Tower 6 (Elite Zone) and Tower 6 (Apex Tower) of the residential development in the Phase are called "Cullinan Sky")
District: Kai Tak | Name of Street and Street Number of the Phase: 10 Concorde Road | The website address designated by the Vendor for the Phase: www.cullinansky.com.hk
Vendor: Super Great Limited | Holding companies of the Vendor: Master Summit Limited, Time Effort Limited, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited | Authorized Person for the Phase: Ng Kwok Fai | The firm or corporation of which the Authorized Person for the Phase is a proprietor, director or employee in his professional capacity: LWK & Partners (HK) Limited | Building contractor for the Phase: Yee Fai Construction Company Limited | The firms of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Phase: Johnson Stokes & Master, Woo Kwan Lee & Lo, Sit, Fung, Kwong & Shum | Authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Phase: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited | Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Phase: Sun Hung Kai Properties Holding Investment Limited | The estimated material date for the Phase as provided by the Authorized Person for the Phase to the best of the Vendor’s knowledge: 30 June 2025 | (“Material date” means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the Phase. The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the agreement for sale and purchase.)
The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist's impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The Vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Phase. | This advertisement is published by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor. |
Last updated on : 12th Feburary 2025
Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and the other parties own the trade marks, trade names and logos displayed on this website. These may not be used without written consent of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited or the parties owning them.
All information and materials on this website are protected by copyright. No part of such information or materials may be modified, reproduced, stored, transmitted, copied, distributed or used in any way for commercial or public purposes without prior written consent of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited.